24-25 sept. 2018 Nancy (France)


We have the pleasure to invite you to the young researchers symposium of the greater region, organised in Nancy from the 24th to the 25th of September 2018. Come and engage in friendly exchanges about mathematics with other PhD students and post-doctoral fellows.  Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact : mathsygr2018@sciencesconf.org


The deadline for registration has been set to September 5. The registration includes a participation to the conference dinner (on Monday evening) and Tuesday's lunch, whose expenses shall be taken care of by the organisers.

We encourage all participants to give a talk, which can be either expository or introduce the speaker's recent results. Each talk should last around 35 minutes and will be followed by a question session. All participants willing to give a talk should send a title and an abstract to mathsygr2018@sciencesconf.org. The conference will provide accomodation and transportation for all speakers.


Benjamin Alvarez - second year PhD student at IECL in Metz
Matthieu Brachet - ATER (Teaching and Research Temporary Assistant) at IECL in Nancy
Rémi Côme - first year PhD student at IECL in Metz
Dimitry Kfoury -second year PhD student at IECL in Nancy
Pierre-Adrien Tahay - first year PhD student at IECL in Nancy

Our sponsors


We specially thank the teams Partial Differential Equation, Analysis and Number Theory and the team Probability and Statistics of Élie Cartan Institute.


Paola Schneider
Clémence Karmann
Tom Riblet

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